Grace Notes for June 15


Archdiocese of Seattle Superintendent Nicholas Ford visited our school at the 
end of May. He asked me what has been most rewarding this past year.

I told him the COLLABORATION between and among our teachers, our staff,
our students and our parents has been incredible.

Teachers shared strategies, best practices and habits of teaching. Their
collective experience and wisdom benefitted every single student.

Staff members took initiative to ensure our students are safe, healthy and

Students eagerly came to school each morning, happy to be learning with and
from one another.

Parents and grandparents volunteered throughout the year, strengthening
our school community by their presence and participation.

Our year has been marked by learning, love and collaboration.

Grace Notes for April 27

Islandwood Students spent four days and three nights at Islandwood, an outdoor learningcenter on Bainbridge Island. A huge thank you to Mrs. Van Eaton and

Grace Notes for April 18

Outdoor Learning IslandWood here we come! Our 5th/6th graders and Mrs. Van Eaton and Mrs. Taylor headed to IslandWood last week to learn about the environment.  With

Grace Notes for April 11

Spring is Here! Students enjoy recess on our beautiful playground and in our courtyard with blooming cherry blossoms. With joy and gratitude, Principal Susan Kilbane