School Mass
Attending School Mass together every Friday at 8:45am is a tradition for us. Students are ushers, altar servers, members of the choir, readers, gift bearers and they write the prayers of the faithful. They love sitting with their buddies (younger grade with older grade).
During a recent School Mass, Father Mark asked, “How do we produce fruit?”
Student responses included:
Help people – Zak, 4th
Love people – Jolie, 1st
Spread kindness – Cece, 4th
Give time to others – Logan, 8th
Think of others before yourself -Paul, 2nd
Help somebody if they are crying – Avery, 1st
Father Mark concluded with,
It all boils down to love. Jesus wants us to produce lots of good fruit.
Father Mark Kiszelewski
Parents choose to send their children to SCCS because of our exceptional academics and because we mindfully foster a Culture of Care, every single day; students play an integral part in fostering this culture of kindness and love.
With joy and gratitude,
Principal Susan Kilbane